When people get overwhelmed, stressed out, under too much pressure, things just don't seem be going the right way they many times will resort to things that are detrimental and addictive. I am thinking of drugs, alcohol, gambling, overeating or many other addictive vices. They feel this will relieve their stress and make them forget their problems. In reality it only creates more problems as it does not solve the situation at hand and then complicates it by bringing in something that usually is worse then the initial problem and gives them one more problem to deal with,
What do I do when I feel stressed out. I go out and do Jiu Jitsu. Funny how when some guy is trying to choke you or put you in an arm bar to hyperextend your arm or any number of things that can be done it really does help you put your problems behind you and in perspective even if just temporarily. You have to admit when a guy is behind you with his arms around your neck trying to cut off the blood flow to your brain your best to worry about the task at hand and not concern yourself with why one of your kids is acting the way they are or what the boss or teacher is going to say about the assignment you are working on, or if you are going to make enough sales that week to put bread on the table etc.
I guess I should try to start a movement for BJJ for Therapy. Maybe I can contact the AA people and see what they think. Who knows maybe if BJJ becomes addictive one day they will have a BJJA.
Also a Shout Out to Dan Lukehart for gettng his Black Belt in Style on Sunday. Sorry I was not able to make it but I was there in Spirit. Here is a picture of Dan at the Ceremony while still in his Brown Belt. Looks like some pretty serious concentration there.
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