Just writing about an Old Guys BJJ Journey.

Just writing about an Old guys BJJ journey. It has been a great trip and I worry if I don't write it down I may forget it.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Injuries are part of the game.

Today we had a guy blow out his shoulder.  It is/was a reoccurring injury.  He had problems with it in the past.  It looked very painful.

We have also had people come in and mess up knees, backs, necks, elbows etc.  I guess my question is how do we avoid injury so we can keep training.

The other question I have is how hard is it to get back into BJJ if you have been out for an extended period of time due to injury or some other cause.  If you get jacked up does it make you nervous about coming back or do you still have the same enthusiasm and draw that you had before.  I thought this Pod Cast was very interesting.


I also saw a great video on youtube by the Gracies who came out with the Boyd Belt System.  It really makes sense.  As you get older your skills diminish.  Guys you used to beat now beat you.  I started when I was 51 so I was already on the diminishing side of the equation.  I have seen in just the short two years that the young athletic guys I used to handle easily have now surpassed me.  I can see how someone who started at a younger age would have more difficulty with this because at one time when they had progressed to be a higher belt and were in top physical condition then pretty much they were unstoppable.  Then as Father Time catches up with them they start getting beat by the ones they used to work.  Just like every Child will eventually be able to beat his father in a foot race every BJJer will eventually be surpassed by his student is they are younger and on the left side of the curve still working up to their peak as the instructor is slowly working his way down the other side.

Of course with me this does not hold true as I am older then my instructors because I started late so I will never be in better physical condition then them and they will also always hold the edge on my in flexibility and knowledge.

Here is the video I am referencing.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGk_urw1_hA

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