Just writing about an Old Guys BJJ Journey.

Just writing about an Old guys BJJ journey. It has been a great trip and I worry if I don't write it down I may forget it.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

I write this with Heavy Heart

I have not written for a while.  One I was  getting some negative feedback from some people and I did not need the criticism and Two I really had nothing important to say.

Today I am writing with very Heavy Heart.  Two weeks ago a BJJ Friend of mine Brian Kim passed away of a heart attack.  I was not able to attend the funeral last week as I was at the Shot Show in Vegas and this has been consuming my thoughts and his family has been in my prayers.  A few hours a go I found out that another Friend of mine has died.  This time it was another Black Belt Don Charley from Las Vegas.  He was a good guy to train with and never took it easy on me.  He invited me to his home to train and I should have went last week while in Vegas but I told him next time and there will never be next time hear on earth.

Both of these men where black belts and both humored me.  I remember doing stand up with Brian over at Brea Jiu Jitsu and when I shot and took him down he then went to work on my submitting me at least 5 times in the next 7 1/2 minutes.  At Higher Ground it was the Same.  He would come in all smiles and happy.  Looked to be very care free and everyone was Happy when Brian showed up even though we all knew we were in for a beating.  He always took care of business with a smile complimenting you on a good move while countering it with a submission of his own.

Don was closer to my age.  One year older then me.  I rolled with him a few times while in Vegas.  He was always very specific when it came to BJJ etiquette and made sure we did not enter the mat unless we were invited by the Proffesor and that we shook hands and greeted all Black belts and higher belts before we proceeded with out workout.  He was the only guy I ever rolled with that was older then me and smaller then me (slightly older and smaller)  but could still work me over.  Of course the skills he developed as a Black Belt made him so much better at Jiujitsu then me and I had no problems tapping when he ankle locked me or got me in another position when I thought I was going to get the advantage but ended up tapping.

My 3 year BJJ anniversary is Monday.  It is hard to believe how two Gentlemen like this that I only met on a few occasions I saw Brian maybe 15 times and Don only 3-4 times would stir such emotion in me.  I continue to Pray for both their families.

RIP Brian Kim
RIP Don Charley

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