Just writing about an Old Guys BJJ Journey.

Just writing about an Old guys BJJ journey. It has been a great trip and I worry if I don't write it down I may forget it.

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Key to Longevity in BJJ is to tap quick

I have been fortunate  to win a few tournaments.  First of all let me tell you I'm not that good.  I have been able to win because I compete in an Older Age Group (Masters 5) I have been able to catch some of my best competitors right after a match so they are already tired.  I am pretty good at defending submissions and I know how to score points.

I talk with many of my fellow competitors and I have come to the conclusion that we are doing this for fun not to kill each other and no one wants to have to be carried off the mat.  In fact most of the time we talk this is what we talk about.  Now let me tell you that everyone goes hard and tries their best to win but in the long run most of us would rather lose with a quick tap then win and limp for a week because we were ahead on points and we were able to deal with the ankle  lock the guy put on us.

We have heard many say that BJJ is like Chess.  Move, counter move,  staying one step ahead of your opponent, bait them into doing a move that will benefit you etc.  I agree but one thing that Older Guys seem to get that younger guys don't is that when the other guy has done a move and has got you in the Submission Correctly the Older Guys just tap and say good job and aren't willing to break an arm to get out of a arm-bar or willing to risk an ankle injury because you wanted to fight off that ankle lock,  Old guys know they have been beat and they tap,  Recovery time takes too long for an old guy to warrant fighting off the nasty joint lock submissions.

I am not saying that young guys should tap earlier  but I am saying that there is a reason we are old guys and can still train and compete.  It is because we use discretion when it comes to knowing when we are beat.   I think this is good counsel when it comes to extending your BJJ life,

I know it is sometimes hard for you young bucks to tap to an old guy a lower belt or a female but in the bigger picture just give them  credit for pulling off the move correctly tap and move on,  You will be better off for it in the long run,

For most of us it is a Hobby not a Job and sometimes we may weekend Warrior ourselves out of training,