My question is what is the purpose of speeding up? Do you want to T bone the car crossing the road? Why would you want to be in an accident? What would happen if the car crossing the road stalls or it is an inexperienced driver and they panic when they see you speed up. Why do people do this?
Any way just something that frustrates me. I am ready for Pans this week. Got a good look at the Bracket and am ready to compete. What drives a 53 year old to compete and how long will it drive me is still a question I ask but I am ready for this week.
My father said if you get beat will you quit? I think the answer is it would hard to get beat and then quit. I think it is easier to quit when you win and think you have accomplished what you set out to accomplish. If you get beat then you know you have things to work on and that just drives you harder to get better for the next time you compete.
We have heard many people say you learn more in defeat then in victory and it is true in BJJ. Sure it is more fun to win but you rarely go back and analyze you mistakes when you win. You get the false sense that the move you did or the technique you tried will always work because it worked on that one guy in that one situation. In reality until you get your set ups perfected most of the time you just end up getting lucky to get in a spot that you know what to do in. If you lose it gives you something very concrete to work on. Of course, learning aside I will still prefer to win.
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